
Hope and Expectation

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We are different and believe different things about our futures. We aim to reach happiness in every situation and create new goals so we can achieve them. This causes expectations and sometimes these expectations are too high. So, it may end up with disappointment.

High expectations are fine and they may seem harmless. However, if they don’t happen, it may result in more harm than good things. We may feel down or be stressed eventually.

What if we hope?

A rainbow is a prism which sends the different colored lights in different directions. It moves our spirits and lets us think of what is possible.

And Hope… It is the rainbow of our mind.

Taken in Barcelona, 2020.

Do you have more expectations or hopes in your life?

I think there is a tiny line to separate hope and expectation. Let’s see them together…

  • Our minds are prone to expectations… The expectation is a short trip. Hope is a long, exciting adventure.
  • You may lose yourself among the expectations. But hope is one… Hope is absolute light, while expectation has bits of darkness.
  • Hope makes you a hardworking and a planned and patient person. It matures you.. Expectation also matures. But it makes you tired and absorbs your energy…
  • Expectation sometimes makes you do things you wouldn’t do. Hope is the same but on the positive side…
  • Expectations may discourage creating the next expectations. But hope can encourage the new one.

What else do you think? Let me know if you have more 😉

You can make your tomorrow better with hope..

Finally, special thanks to my dear friend @mayar.orabyy..