Business / Lifestyle

Knowing Someone With Only One Question

read 3 min

What would be your question for asking someone to know more about?

Choosing a partner, friend, or teammate to do business together is actually a topic that is not easy at all and we are actually getting into more difficulties about this issue day by day…

Life is too short to follow up on wrong decisions …

What I have often observed is that people do not care too much about choosing a partner carefully… Well, everybody cares but does it really work?? The doors you opened will let sharing a part of your life with him/her… More importantly, the person who will touch you and affect your life. It is actually a sensitive topic especially when you consider the failed results. Loss of time and energy, disappointments. It may really affect you deeply and also causes demotivation for the next decisions we make. But, don’t worry, life will always bring you new things, people that will make you happy.. 🙂

Today, I will not approach this topic as a textbook solution. It will be a practical and effective way to understand someone more when you meet someone that you want to live in love with or want to be very good friends or team up and work together…

Let’s start…


Throughout our careers, in addition to the technical ones, we all have participated in some of the interviews. There were questions that challenged us or allowed us to fully express ourselves. Or, when starting a relationship, your partner may have asked some dangerous questions to understand you ..;) You may have felt it yourself in the job interview…;)

To start a friendship, it works a bit differently. Nobody asks such questions, it starts and ends if necessary … But what if you realize that your time is too important to have a long-term friendship and not a waste of time…

A question

When we meet someone, our intuition usually guides us. We can label them good, bad, or unknown. In general, the most attractive cases are the unknown ones, but I think this is riskier than the other two… 😉

Well, one question for you…

What about requesting from them to explain something they have done well or has had significant experience with?

  1. Of course, you can start this by helping them to remember the subjects they are interested in and experienced before… But, not like a job interview, more approaching as aiming to learn from them …
  2. Then, let’s ask for the small interesting details of the specific topic with showing your more interest and trigger them to share more. Create a flow… It is a little difficult and sensitive point and it can vary from person to person…
  3. As soon as you feel the flow, share your ideas to strengthen the flow a little more … Kind of brainstorming… Express with your body language that the topic excites you … Observe how they react:
  • Are they active or passive sharing with you? Do they give short answers to your questions, or a little more information so that you can understand more?
  • Do they get excited while sharing? Or sharing in a constant mode? Or is it balanced? Do they check if you understand or not?
The important point about the answers to these questions

Every person is different. It doesn’t reflect if one answer good, another is bad. However, you can feel about the future interactions with these answers. It is actually important to do a pre-evaluation in order to understand the person you want to work with, the person you have a friendship with. Or, the person you will experience love with… There is a positive correlation between the interaction and the health of the relationship.

Final notes

Well… While completing the article, what if you ask the question to yourself? 😉

Tell yourself about a topic you like… It might be a bit difficult in the first steps but will be very useful… You can do audio or video record. Or by typing …

We know that when communicating with people, what is not said is as important as what is said…Also, They tell you about the topics for the impression they want to give you. That’s why we are better understood by behavior rather than talking since people can control their speech, but they may not be able to control the behaviors and reactions. And, with this kind of questions and method, you can be more aware of the uncertain reactions.