
4 Secrets to Boost Your Creativity in Your Next Holiday

read 5 min

Are you able to figure out how long do you need for your next holiday?

Holidays are usually designed to take our works or studies away from us. We aim to take a break from our everyday lives and really relax to be ready for new challenges in life.

Its importance can be explained with a simple but frequently happened activity. For example, sometimes you struggle to solve a specific problem and get tired during the day but could not find anything. Then, you come home, you sleep, you wake up and while you take a shower, AHA! moment happens and guess… It is the solution. The reality is the brain needs to rest a bit…

Now, let’s think about your last year. You had many problems which might be unsolved, failed, or very stressful. So, how can you relax after these problems? How can you try to avoid burnout?

Maybe holiday?? Let’s eloborate it a bit to understand if it can really help or not..

Photo by Mateo Giraud on Unsplash


Wherever you go, you will bring the same thoughts, stresses with yourself. You can spend lots of money but this will not let you to leave the all unwanted stuffs. So, #1 lesson is try to optimize your cost analysis for your holiday plan. Otherwise, this will come back to you as an additional worries 😂

Some pick up recommendations for saving money while planning your next trip

To determine the holiday destination, Google Flights, Skyscanner can be helpful to search flights and prices. Also, Kayak’s explore function, Greatescape Co. are flight search engines that can help you choose a destination and find the cheapest flight for your vacation.

Also, sometimes we may just need to get out of our comfort zone? But classical question: How?

Let’s try to answer this not in a classical way…

First, I would like to mention the scientific literature about happiness change during the holiday. There are many studies that try to figure out the correlation between happiness, and holidays. For example, according to an international study, a length of stay between three and six days vacation may provide you the highest satisfaction from the holiday. However, one of the main limitations of this kind of study is human. Yes, we are different and for validation of this article, the study hypothesis should be narrowed. Otherwise, it will just remain as uncompleted or insufficient research.

Or do you sometimes feel that it is a bit long for holiday when you are in the trip?

Instead of wasting your time like extra usage of social media etc., doing something you have never done before will stimulate your creativitiy, and encourage a passion for doing more new tasks… And, vacation will be a great chance to make it happen!

4 Secrets to Boost your Creativity at Vacation

  1. Be Alone

Sometimes you may be aware of catching the inspiration when you are alone or when you feel alone… 🙂 I experienced that waking up at midnight or in the early morning is really helpful to get this feeling. People around you, neighbors, streets are sleeping and you are awake. Being aware of this situation make me think deeper and I realized that it affects also my day positively. More productive and less stress…

Also, taking a short walk during the day and trying to stay in the moment and practicing the awareness, observing nature, people.

Practicing it during the vacation can help you to gain it as a habit. I believe you can see its side effects sooner.

2. Change Photography Skills

With great camera lenses and software in our smartphones, we take and share excellent and ‘professional (!)’ photos of our daily activities and moments. However, you can modify this and then transform this habit into part of your creativity. Instead of capturing several frames as other people do, just try to catch the frame or moment that will inspire you later. This could b photo of details for example the a bird or a plant in the picture. Maybe a person.. There is no exact way and its beauty is that this will depend on your taste because it will only help you to remember that moment not to other people. Let’s remember this when you again take your next beautifiul sunset photos 🙂

Instead of focusing on the key points (sunset in this case), try to catch from perspective for example to take picture of sunset with including another person who is also taking. I think it should not be difficult, no? 🙂

Maybe by keeping small notes with the minor details. It will help you to reimagine the same scenario later.

3. Write down yourself

Feelings, emotions, memories, thoughts… They flow in our minds. Setting a specific time to record them on the papers will refresh your memory and have a meditative effect. Reconsidering the details while writing will make you approach from new perspectives. Also, it will make you more aware of the next similar conditions.

Therefore, trying to write down yourself with as many details is a great way to journey between your past and future.

4. Create new habits and sustain them

Creating new habits will prevent burnout syndrome and help you layer new motivations into your life.

Is it that easy to accomplish it? Of course not.

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Yes, let’s say your vacation is over and your experience has really created great energy in you and you may be worried that it will be temporary.

My recommendation is to create a new plan specific to this experience and try to implement it with small steps. The most important point here is to be aware that you can move forward in the plan. You can create a checklist, analyze your progress status, and keep yourself motivated for the next stage.

However, leaving the comfort zone would be the biggest step … In order to take this step, planning to have a new habit should be defined as well as possible in every step. This does not mean that it will not be spontaneous. When you want to make a spontaneous plan, you should make the necessary preparations to start and continue it.

Also, you will be mentally ready to initialize it. Actually, the energy we need is not only physical energy but also mental energy. In fact, it is possible to provide this energy with different hormones. To ensure continuity and to carefully select the experiences we get on holiday and turn them into sustainable.

If necessary, following the forums, reading and updating video interviews about this experience activity, listening to the experiences of different individuals can broaden your horizons.


A holiday is a perfect way to disrupt the everyday routine and experience the sights and tastes of different locations. You will also collect ideas for your future if you take advantage of this opportunity.

Make sure you collect all of the memories so that once you’re back home, you can use it 😉

Though we all know the brain doesn’t stop, we try to enjoy the moment and when we back home, we continue to live and we will come up with new ideas resolve and design our tasks…